Suzuki Baby Classes are a weekly interactive experience for babies and toddlers from birth through age 3 with a parent. Songs, rhymes, stories and rhythm instruments are used to teach musical concepts, language and pre-reading skills, numbers, physical coordination, social and emotional skills, and much more!
Parents learn to be active observers of their child’s learning process, and build a repertoire of lullabies, action songs, and rhymes, with techniques for using them at home.
The Suzuki approach emphasizes positive communication and repetition, within a calm, nurturing environment.
Research has shown that babies who participated in this type of Suzuki baby class showed a larger/earlier brain response to musical tones than their peers who were exposed to music in a less interactive way. The babies in the active class also showed better early communication skills, smiled more, were easier to soothe, and showed less distress in unfamiliar circumstances. Read more about the study here.
Classes meet on Saturdays from 10:30-11:30 am.
Location: St. John UCC Church, 1130 W Marquette St, Appleton, WI
Enrollment is ongoing – new students may join at any time.
Please contact me for more information.